Sunday, March 2, 2014

TOW #20 The American River Ganges (Thomas Nast)

     The late 19th century featured tremendous social, economic, and educational change. Religious and ethnic groups struggled, presidents of the Gilded Age sat idly in the Oval Office ignorant to government corruption, and the lithograph gave rise to the mass production of newspapers. Thomas Nast, one of the most influential political cartoonists in American history (responsible for the modern depiction of Santa Claus and the Republican/Democratic party symbols), frequently offered his social commentary in the form of artfully created political cartoons, such as in The American River Ganges. Nast was a firm supporter of the Republican party and anti-Catholicism. Therefore, when parochial schools began to gain prevalence and local governments were deciding whether to incorporate religious morality in public schools, Nast attempted to dissuade voters (most likely "the common man": middle class wage earners) from allowing the invasion of Catholic principles.
     Nast makes his negative opinion clear with his striking imagery and metaphors. The cartoon takes place on the "American River Ganges," an allusion to the massive river in India that harbors large numbers of crocodiles and gharials. The cartoon clearly depicts a river, and the image is completed with scaled creatures emerging from the depths. At first glance they appear to be crocodiles, but with help from the caption it is revealed that the monsters are, in fact, Catholic priests. The beasts are descending on children moored on the beach, presumably representative of the entire nation's youth. Immediately, this elicits appeals to pathos; first one of compassion, as no adult wants a child to come to harm, and then of anger or fear in response to the religious predators.
     Nast also incorporates the Capitol and a depiction of Boss Tweed (the man with the beard and hat leaning over the edge of the cliff) to engender an appeal to logos. Many voters in America owed allegiances to corrupt politicians like Tweed and blindly voted for him in hopes of earning his positive influence. Because Nast's audience supports the actions of Washington and/or politicians like Tweed, who in turn back the destruction of the apparent American education system, Nast's audience assumes indirect responsibility. These emotions may illicit change in behavior at the polls, fulfilling Nast's purpose.
     The cartoon is largely hyperbole and propaganda. However, because it presents an obvious correlation between voters and Nast's Catholic invasion as well as forcing a powerful emotional response, I think the cartoon does accomplish its purpose.

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