Sunday, February 2, 2014

TOW #17 Who Will Win Super Bowl XLVIII? (Chris Burke & Doug Farrar)

Awww yeaaaa

There is no better time than now to write about the Superbowl. So this week, I have selected's comparison of the Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks. I read another article from a Denver newspaper, but I think that as the universal representation of every team, this article would be the least biased. The authors are Chris Burke and Doug Farrar, two writers that have teamed up in the past for game-day analyses and reviews of team performances in the NFL. The article is for an audience anticipating the game of all games, looking for facts over personal beliefs. It is structured with two major sections, one explaining why the Seahawks will win, and another explaining why the Broncos may come home with the trophy. It is divided into five subsections for each team, explaining weaknesses in the opponent or strengths in the chosen team. These include an analysis of the Broncos run-stopping defense and how it can be overpowered, previous pressure-performance by the Seahawks, and the variety of the Broncos' offensive weapons. To avoid the bias of the authors, the article relies primarily on outside sources, citing statistics and expert opinions. For example, "the Broncos have limited five of their past six opponents to fewer than 100 yards rushing" and "wide receiver Eric Decker said, 'He trusts the guys around him and that’s all you can ask for in a quarterback that will lead you Sunday on the field'" are used as evidence supporting the Broncos. These add to the credibility of the authors, because they are clearly making use of the vast resources of, press conferences, and rosters to provide the aspects of play contributing to the game day performances. Additionally, the structure of the article is an appeal to logos, separating the two teams and dividing each winning outcome into five key components with a detailed explanation underneath. If someone wants to find information to support their team or a fact regarding a specific matchup, information is easily located under the headings. The article also utilizes theoretical situations to illustrate the author's point. For example, when describing the Bronco's offensive assault, Burke and Farrar write "Let’s say Sherman finds himself on Demaryius Thomas and the line generates a little pressure on Manning," and goes on to describe the variety of options the Broncos still have for success." Overall, I found the article suitably unbiased and informative, even though the Broncos are totally going to crush the Seahawks.

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